Dålig lina

Jaha var det dags igen då… När jag skaffade min BoStream förbindelse(på Bonet tiden) så hade jag väldiga problem med min lina det första året. Teknikern var här och hälsade på minst 4 gånger utan att kunna säga vad problemet var. Symptomen var enkla, det knastrade kraftigt i telefonen och min förbindelse gick upp och ned mest hela tiden.

För ett tag sedan, tidigare i somras, noterade jag att det började skrapa och knastra i telefonen igen. NEJ! inte nu igen tänkte jag. Linan gick ned dock bara väldigt kort och var snabbt tillbaka. Problemet uppträdde inte igen förrän för några dagar sedan då det började brusa mer. Idag när jag pratade med brorsan samt mamma och pappa knastrade det otroligt, tom svårt att höra vad dom sa. Och nu har linan gått ned helt och hållet. För all del hade bostream problem i Göteborg idag men det verkade lösa sig under eftermiddagen men kanske återkom det. Vi får se imorgon, kan kolla upp det på jobbet.

I vilket fall, så i samband med problemen förra gången satte jag upp med hjälp av Fredrik en liten tjänst som pingar BoStreams ADSL-gateway och plottar resultaten.

Problems with FMS interface

When I connected the FMS interface I built the other day to my new radio and the laptop I got a very jumpy signal. In the FMS Forum there where two different suggestions what might cause this, either to weak power in the serial port, or the reversed order of the signalcable from my Sanwa radio.

This guy had a similar problem but with another PIC interface, though for this one the source code is available. So maybe I will change mine to that one since the design was similar. Or just reprogram my PIC since I think the design is similar enough to do that, though I have to study it more carefully first.

Also the FMS Forum had a several posts on different hardware interfaces, maybe one can find a simple USB joystick based one there.

How to program a PIC with ICProg and the JDM interface

I just built the PIC 12C50x Serial Interface for FMS(see images below) and was about to program the PIC when I realized I was very unsure how the programmer worked and if I had the software as well to do it. So I though it could be good to write it now when I got it working.

The program to use is IC-Prog. Make sure the Hardware settings are set to Windows API if you use XP as I do. Also select the right com-port.

The IC to program should be placed with pin 1 furthest away from the RS232 connector(in my design that is!).

The design I used for my PIC programemr is from this site though I did not use their PCB layout but rather just used the schematics and built it on a proto-board.

Supreme Snowboarding

Regarding Supreme Snowboarding

How to make it work with XP:

Install the game. Rename or delete supreme.exe. Apply Supreme_Snowboarding_Patch_v1.035

Have not tried the following tips but might be handy:

“If you want to run the game WITHOUT CD: Just copy the directory DataAnims to C: (or to another root directory of your hard disk).”

How to stat BF1942 linux dedicated server on FreeBSD 4.8

I just tried to setup and run the latest version of the Linux dedicated server on my FreeBSD 4.8 machine.

I already had the Linux-base installed but this thread indicates you need the debian version of it but I dont use it. And it works. Though I mounted the linproc as indicated in the thread, though dont know if that is needed, but I just wanted to be sure BF would know my CPU speed.

Though I had to brandelf the binary as indicated by this thread.


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