Wireless headset

It would quite nice to have a wireless headset instead of teh corded one I got know. It’s quite hard to move around and such. One idea is to get a BT headset and connect through a BT adapter. Shouldn’t be any problem according to several sites. The Jabra BT250 seems to be one of the best. Only question is if 10 meters if enough…

Fighting back SPAM

So this blog used to be SPAM free until about a week ago. Since then I have got like 300 trackbakc SPAMs. Now its time to FIGHT back! I just found this nice initiative from Google, Yahoo, MSN that makes it pointless for those SPAMMERS to post linka on my site! Ha!

And just to be extra mean to you SPAMMERS out there I also installed the MT-Blacklist and had to upgrade to MoveableType3.1

New Photos

I just uploaded a lot of new images. All are accessable from my images. Specifically several of them are taken with my new camera, Canon 20D. I’m very satisfied with several of them, like this sunset, or this night shot. Its really nice to have a camera that can has good aperture range too, so you can play with the sharpness of the images, like when photographing a detail or taking some other close-up Also these food images from the new years party turned out quite good, the file and the onions.

VoIP on the Qtek9090

Through my work I recently got a Qtek 9090. Since it got WLAN I have been intrested to try VoIP on it but my first attempts at finiding some suitable software turned out eith no results, atleast not any free software. But yesterday evening I looked around a bit more and found atleast two options:

SJPhone has a Free World Diaplup version for PocketPC

WiFive Phone is another option. The WiFive.net homepage is broken at the moment.

So far I have not had time to try them but will try to do it soon. Will update this entry about the results.

Första infraröda bilden

Äntligen kom IR filtret jag beställt genom “ScandinavianPhoto”:http://www.scandinavianphoto.se, ett Hoya Infrared R72. Var nog inte direkt bästa dagen för att fota med IR filter, det blåste en massa vilket syns på att man knappt ser flaggan och allt verkar lite suddigt. Det har blivit rörelse oskärpa eftersom jag hade 4 sekunders slutartid. Dock förklarar det dock inte varför hela bilden är suddig, men kanske skakade vinden även kameran en del.