Wierd votes on the photoblog

Some time ago I added some stats for the voting on my photoblog and recently I have seen some strange behaviours, like popular images suddenly wasnt popular at all. So I started to dig a bit and soon found who was my most frequent voters…

the webcrawlers, I hade MSNbot, Googlebot, Yahoo Slurp etc voting a lot on my photos…. not really what I wanted. So after some hacking I updated the php script so now it doesnt record votes from bots, and if there is a bot I have missed it also saves the id/name of the browser being used to vote. So now the stats should be much more accurate though still I think I have quite a lot of bot visitors in the visitors count. Also added some code that will stop counting those as well, though havent had time to clear up the old stats.

Init Failed problems with Amitech traveldisk

I have a Amitech Taveldisk 40Gb to store pictures while travelling. Last week I got an error that said “Init Failed” which was a bit scary. A couple of restarts made it dissapear and I could empty my memorycard onto the HD.

But to check things up I searched the Amitech site and found this article telling what to do. Only problem I couldnt find the original CD and Amitech doesnt seem to have the Fdisk tool for download…

Some more searching and I found out that the Amitech drive is made by a company called Vosonic and they hade both new firmware for my drive and the FDisk tool.

Funny translator

Jim Doty just sent me an email about this discovery:

Blog.JimDoty.com » SWEDISH BLOG LINK

wow that translator was bad! But fun!

This is what it would have been…

“Was just musing about if one would wish for an IR filter for Christmas. And started to surf around a bit to see what people says about IR photography and the Canon 20D. Earlier searches have given half positive results but it seems to atleast be possible. E.g. found the following two articles from Jim Doty, one about black-and-white IR and one about colour. Sometime one has to read those through carefully.”

It might be a bit strange structure since I wanted to make the translation as direct as possible but I hope it makes much more sense than this yibberish:-)

“Sat and muse few if husband should want one IR filter to Christmas. And was bending surfer about few for that watch what people says if IR photographers and Canon 20D. Olds sökningar had goats few halv positive answer but the interacts iaf product wholly possible. Tex find followings two equipment from Jim Doty , a if black – white IR and a if colour IR. Them sheep husband take and read through decently ngn tread.”

I realize one thing that makes it really hard to read the translation is that the translator has failed at many abrevations, for instance, iaf, tex, ngn which are qutie common in colloquial writings like blogs.