How to upgrade wordpress

Download the latest version of WordPress Automatic Upgrade into your wp-content/plugins directory.

Unzip it:

You could try to go to the Plugin page of your WordPress Admin login and start the Automatic upgrade but for me it failed until I changed the file permissions. Go to your wordpress install directory and do:
chmod -R 777 *

Then I started it and gave it the FTP permissions but once more it fails to create some files in wpau-backup. I did:
touch index.php
touch index.html
chmod 777 *

Then I coudl go on to the next step but once more it fails, now to write the backup file. I get:
Task Name: files
Task Description: Backs up all the current files from the wordpress installation
Task Status: Failed
Task Start Date: 2008-08-31 19:38:49
Task End Date: 2008-08-31 19:38:49
Task Log:
Creating files backup archive at
Could not archive the files PCLZIP_ERR_READ_OPEN_FAIL (-2) : Unable to open archive '/web/htmldocs/www/orbblog//wpau-backup/' in wb mode

Go back to the plugin section of the Admin interface and the click “Click Here to Automatically Upgrade WordPress to latest Version.” at the top to start over again. The plugin claims that “Seems you have not completed the clean up process from last upgrade. Please click here to run the clean up process before continuing”. Go on and clean up. Then just follow the steps as they come and all should work just fine.

Once all is done you want to revert file permission, so do:
chmod -R 644 *
find . -type d -exec chmod uog+x {} \;


Ny lins?

Har funderat en hel del på om jag skall köpa en telezoom och Canons 70-200 linser har fått väldigt fina betyg, speciellt 4.0 linserna. Helst skulle jag vilja ha med bildstabilisering men det är rätt mycket dyrare. Tittade dock på fotosidan och på blocket och det finns rätt gott om just 70-200/4L linser, och några få med bild stabilisering. Man verkar kunna köpa de utan stabilisering från ca 4000 kr.

Så för jämförelse skull tittade jag på priserna på B&H photo and video i New York. De tar ca 560 dollar för 70-200/4l linsen. Så vad blir det här hemma i Sverige? Jo upptäckte att Tullverket har en trevlig kalkylator som hjälper dig att räkna ut kostnaden. Enda luriga var att hitta tullavgiften för kameraobjektiv. Tullens varukod för kameraobjektiv är 9002 och denna kategori var sedan uppdelad i flera beroende på brännvidd men alla har en tullsats på 6.7% vad jag kunde se. Så att importera en 70-200/4L skulle kosta ca 5100 kr vilket är bra mycket billigare än tex Cyberphotos 7000 kr. Importpriset för en med bildstabilisering blir ca 9100 kr. Ny pris i sverige lite över 11 000 kr.

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Progress on the espresso controller

After some struggling around I have now successfully created my first small program in HI-TIDE. I had missed I was looking into the pic1267x.h file when finding defs for my code. The program I tried to compile was the simple debouncer example from the PICkit FLash Starter Kit though it was not specifically written for the 12F675 which I have here. Thus I had to change some of the defs used, e.g. RA5 to GPIO5. I got help from the HI-TIDE Forum that I should look in pic12f6x.h instead which made it much easier to get it to compile:-)

Also solved the powersupply issue. Just take a 220V USB charger, gives a nice 5V with 500 mA!