The heating regulator in my espresso machine has given up. So either I buy a new machine for 4000 SEK or I try to fix it, the later is cheaper and more fun. The idea is to have one PIC control the heating so it needs a thermometer and a relay. Also one needs probably to be able to adjust the temperature which it should strive for and it would be nice to be able to see the actual temperature. Also I need to power the whole thing.
- Thermometer, the Dallas 1-wire chips has worked well before and there exists PIC code for them so it seems easy to use to get a very accurate reading.
- Relay, need to find quite relay that can handle 200V and the amount of amps needed.
- Display, this is a bit wicked idea, but I thought that adding a display to the espresso machine wouldn’t look to good, thus I’ll use a mobile phone instead and add bluetooth to the espresso machine so it can receive new temperature settings and tell current temperature.
- Power supply, have not found a good solution yet…
So this post will be updated once I progress with the project. The first task is to find 1-wire source code for the PIC, next to get it compiled. Then test it with a 1-wire device and write the code needed.